Monday, January 03, 2005

Am I Bitter? Why Yes, Yes I Am.

I just got the strangest e-mail today from my ex-girlfriend. It was the type of e-mail that my clairvoyant co-worker, Kevin, swore months ago that I'd be getting. Anyways, without further ado, let the needless drama unfold. (names reduced to first names for anonymity's sake)

>I hope you don't have that Staind song in your head now that I used
>the lyrics for the subject. Ha. I fuckin' hate staind. Or is it
>stained..? Anyway, it has been a while since I've heard from you. I
>still haven't found your cd, but I'm still looking, no worries.
>Have you seen The Life Aquatic yet? I really liked it. I'm listening
>to the soundtrack right now.
>I just got back from vacation in San Diego. I went with my mom and
>sister. You can imagine how that was. My mom is a nut, and my sister
>is pissy. Check it, I got to pet a dolphin. "I'm sick of these
>dolphins." haha.
>So I was wondering if you would want to talk or something. If you
>don't, that's cool, but if you do, I would like to attempt to keep in
>touch. You are an important part of me.

First off, it is Staind. Secondly, if it's been awhile, that is your
fault. I'm not going to bother to call you when you've never shown an
interest in returning calls. I tried very hard to maintain a friendly
relationship with you, and you didn't give me any quarter. Since we
broke up, you haven't even given me a solid hour of your time. Besides,
I can't help but wonder the reason you decided to contact me now. I
know you are involved with Brian, which totally discredits the "I don't
need to be dating anyone right now" reason/theory behind our break-up.
I haven't even heard from you in over a month.... more than that if
you discount the lame "so do you like Halo 2" call I got back before
Thanksgiving. So honestly, why are you trying now? You say I am an
important part of you, but I can't help but picture a dog trapped in a
bear trap, gnawing off its leg to escape, and thinking in hindsight
that it was a bad idea. If you want to talk, you have my phone number.
You've had my phone number for a very long time. If you want more from
me, you'll simply need the courage to call it.



PS. I would like my Pavement CD back, it's an original pressing and
sadly out of print.


Blogger LONGSLEEVES said...


That beeotch stole your Pavement CD?

Not. Cool. One just doesn't steal Pavement CD's from their ex. I think that's a specifically stated rule in the break-up handbook... if not, it should be.

10:37 PM  
Blogger Brent said...

Actually, up until Christmas she had my complete discography of Pavement. Now I've got them all back except for my original pressing of "Crooked Rain Crooked Rain". I went ahead and bought the re-issue of that to keep from going into withdrawal, but I don't like it as much.

10:53 PM  

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