Wednesday, January 26, 2005

B.E.A.M.S --> Boredom Eats Away At My Soul

I hate acronyms, yet I am doomed to create and use them. So far nothing amazing has happened, although I remain hopeful. The weeks of waking up when it is dark and sleeping when the sun comes up are wearing me thin. Thankfully I've got the next few days off to fit in some social interaction.... or maybe just a $5 pitcher of wonderful Wichita microbrewed beer. Here's a short list of crap I've been up to/will be up to:

  • replaying old Nintendo games.... long live Mike Tyson's Punch Out
  • Watching "24" episodes at work. I'm not a TV person, but this should have been called "Crack for your eyes"
  • Rediscovering 90's bands I had love affairs with.... ah the beauty of a "Yo La Tengo" album
  • I'm going to see a personal trainer tomorrow... it's going to be like that episode of MTV's "Made" where the 98 pound weakling wants to be on the wrestling team.
  • Annoying my brothers girlfriend (with the help of brother) can be fun. We decided to yell "whammy!" when anyone got shot in an episode of "24". After about 2 consecutive "Waaaahaaaammy!" yells, my brother got the death look. Sometimes it's nice to be single.
  • Putting up interesting pictures around my cube
  • Not having as much immature fun as my brother.
  • Saturday I'm supposed to go to my cousin's 5th birthday party. Sadly this is the first party I've been to in awhile. I hope I don't get drunk and hit on the single moms... or the married ones.

Funny one-liner of the day (courtesy of Mitch Hedberg):
"I bought a parrot because it could talk; it didn't ask me for food though, so it died"


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