Tuesday, October 04, 2005

One Two Three.... GO!

After much procrastination and a bout of illness, I'm finally taking Jen's quiz. Now Jim can stop sending me death threats and leaving Jack-o-lanterns with butcher knives stuck in their head on my porch. Although the Jack-o-lanterns might be from the neighbors.

three names I go by:
1. Brent
2. B
3. B-Rent

three screen names you've had:
1. goodbye_blue_mondays
2. monkeyskillz
3. Turd Ferguson

three physical things you like about yourself:
1. Eyes that change color according to mood
2. jawline
3. Not much else

three physical things you don't like about yourself:
1. Power -V-
2. My hobbit-like feet
3. Just about everything else

three parts of your heritage:
1. German
2. Polish
3. Bulgarian

three things that scare you:
1. Americans
2. Mediocrity
3. MPH

three of your everyday essentials:
1. well-worn jeans
2. Coffee and/or herbal tea
3. My new acoustic guitar

three things you are wearing right now:
1. T-shirt that says "Guns don't kill people... people with mustaches do"
2. A khaki blazer
3. A really hideous lanyord/badge thing so I can get past security at work

three of your favorite bands or musical artists (at the moment):
1. Yo La Tengo
2. Steven Malkmus
3. The Jim Yoshii Pile-up

three of your favorite songs (at the moment):
1. Decatur, Or, Round Of Applause For Your Stepmother! - Sufjan Stevens
2. Won't U Please Be Nice? - Nelly Mckay
3. Somebody I used to know - Elliott Smith

three things you want in a relationship:
1. Humor
2. Mutual respect
3. Bow Chica Wow Wow

two truths and a lie (in no particular order):
1. There is a dead hooker in my basement
2. There is a Cobra Commander action figure on my desk.
3. I've been asked to leave a bar for inciting a chant of "This band sucks balls".

three physical things about the [non-]opposite sex that appeal to you:
1. a nice voice
2. pretty smile
3. a healthy lifestyle

three of your favorite hobbies:
1. music: discovering new music, rummaging through old LP's and 45's, attempting to play guitar
2. reading
3. pretending I'm sophisticated

three things you want to do really badly right now:
1. pull Conan O'Brian's "Walker Texas Ranger" lever
2. steal office supplies
3. send anonymous obscene e-mails to my boss's Blackberry as he's in Jamaica and I'm not.

three careers you're considering:
1. I already have a career.
2. If I had to rethink my career, I would probably say "Humanitarian"...
3. Or "balloon animal artist"

three places you want to go on vacation:
1. Venice
2. Tokyo
3. Vancouver

three kids' names you like:
1. Alden
2. Clarissa
3. Don Rickles

three things you want to do before you die:
1. write the great American novel
2. form a crappy bar cover band
3. world domination

Three people that i'd like to take this quiz:
1. Tereeeeeesa
2. Steph
3. Swayer

(Notice the ommission of Pops and MPH as they are too cool for memes)


Blogger Pops said...

Not only am I too cool for memes, but I am so cool that I actually already did this fucker. And so has Steph, who made me take it in the first place. Like Darth Vader said, "The circle is complete."

I am a giant dork.

10:51 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

"the (non)opposite sex" Wouldn't that be the 'same sex.' I'm glad you like a nice smile in a man. Shows you're totally not gay.

4:08 PM  
Blogger Brent said...

MPH: Yes, you will have to turn that shit up to 11 to make it higher on my list.

Pops: Dork.

Kidb: Yes it does rule. It's becoming my fav CD for long cartrips.

SJ: I suppose I didn't read that question very well. Oh well, I would be gay if it wasn't for all that extra hygiene and dancing. It's too much work for the lazy one.

4:40 PM  
Blogger STP said...

Nice to see where I rank...3 is the magic number.

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're a fucking weirdo...

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I've been tagged! Dang, I guess it's payback for that other thing I tagged you for, eh? Well, I'll just have to oblige...

BTW, loved the answers--hilarious! Just like the good ole Brent we all used to know (more posts, hint hint). And now I finally know how to spell that magical phrase: bow chica wow wow! Sweet.

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and even tho I've already done it, so what? I'll do it again. Pops is a giant wet blanket, as well as being a giant dork.

12:52 PM  

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