Thursday, January 19, 2006

Half a pack of cigarettes and a lighter that will not light.

Since it's the aniversary of my last blog outing, I figured it'd be kind of sentimental to post again. It's been a wild ride since I dodged the boat to Canada. I survived another holiday season with the folks, which isn't really such a great feat as my parents are pretty cool. I got my dad the Deadwood box set for x-mas and we revelled in playing the "drink every time Al says 'cocksucker' game". I got addicted to the game "Guitar Hero". It's a really addictive little rhythm game that has the inate ability to make you jump up and down like you are retarded.

I aslo made a handful of New Year's resolutions, most of which have already been neglected and/or invalidated. Here's a breakdown of some of the notables:

  1. Stop crossing the decency line -- There's always a line that shouldn't be crossed, and the people at work usually say I don't just cross the line, I keep moving it. This resolution lasted a full 10 minutes maybe.
  2. Eat better -- Ever since I read the new study that says coffee is good for you, I've been using it as a crutch that I'm improving my diet.
  3. Work out more regularly -- Ever since I got the company gym membership, I've been using the onsite fitness center as an excuse to get away from the work and go watch episodes of CSI while doing my thing on the treadmill. My unwillingness to work is actually making this resolution quite a bit more successful.
  4. Stop being so lame -- I don't know why I even bothered with this one.
  5. Blog more -- We shall see about this one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As you know, the only one I care about is #5. Although, I suppose exercising more will keep you more fit for blogging, so that's a #2. As for stop being so lame--what the hell would you blog about if that happened?

8:01 AM  
Blogger LONGSLEEVES said...

I thought about giving up meat for new years.. that didn't last long thanks to meat lovers pizza from enzo's and bacon double cheesburgers.. damn

5:23 PM  
Blogger -G.D. said...

how are you...

isn't it a bit late for resolutions? I think you should wait out the year and start over in december. i mean, this is just cheating.

10:47 AM  
Blogger SJ said...

I couldn't resist sending you this link, Brent

2:34 PM  
Blogger STP said...

Boy...Have you been LUMBERJACKING?!

2:11 PM  

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