Monday, March 14, 2005

Random Musings

This weekend I was once again called in on my duties as the best Wingman in Kansas. One of my best friends has just started dating a girl, and was sequestered to go on an outing with a group of her friends, most of which he hadn't met before. Enter the Wingman. My duty: to make sure this fine timid fellow doesn't get eaten alive by this pack of dubious women.

So her friend plays in this band, and Craig was supposed to go to this bar and watch them with her friends. So far so good. I enter the bar and notice it looks like all the roadies from Judas Priest's reunion tour have decided to set up camp here. No worries so far, I've been in worse places. I've been to hip hop clubs in the wrong part of town before; with metal detectors on the outside and people fashioning makeshift shivs out of toothbrushes on the inside. Once I meet up with Craig and his pseudo-girlfriend, we got some beers and listened to her friend's band. Her friend's band unfortunately, was some horrible numetal crap. It was bad enough that it made Linkin Park sound as classic as the Beatles. There was also the world's smallest mosh pit up by the stage. There couldn't have been more than 4 people, noticably three skinny-short white guys with a tall butch woman in the middle. I knew that if I approached the stage, my spine would have been folded into a pretzel shape by the trucker-looking woman I will refer to as "Big Wheel Betty". I did learn something that night though:
  1. NuMetal is still alive and kicking in Kansas
  2. Mosh pits look just as ridiculous as they did in high school
  3. Sometimes you can tell just by walking into a place that the beer will taste like piss

The next day I picked up a new practice amp since my other one sounded like a cardboard box filled with pissed off snakes. I'm pretty happy with is so far, I can actually practice my chords and scale changes since I can now tell when I'm playing broken notes.

In other news, today is "White day" in Japan. On Valentines today in Japan, the women present their significant others with chocolate gifts. The women have to wait until "White Day" until it's the men's turn to present them with chocolates. The Japanese need to learn to concatenate their holidays. One Valentine's type holiday is retarded enough.

Also my departments at work keep getting consolidated. Now I'm having to do 3 different job descriptions (Internal Help Desk, Product Support, and now Pre-sales). As a result, my normal pensive thoughful profile pic is going to be taken down in favor of a less inspired pose. I may post a happier pic if I find out I'm getting more money.


Blogger Larry Jones said...

Wow - The Best Wingman in Kansas! Your friend is one lucky guy, as the right wingman can make all the difference. So how did it go for him?
Also, just wondering - When something is that small, how can you tell if it's a mosh pit or a dance floor? Is there a physical difference, or is it purely defined by usage? (I never played anyplace where there was a mosh pit on purpose, although near closing some dance floors might have passed.)

8:00 PM  
Blogger Pops said...

Stop talking about guitar stuff. You're going to make me buy something.

If you ever find yourself out this way, be sure to visit the Fender Museum. I'll get my father-in-law to take you on a tour. He speaks fluent Kansan.

9:25 PM  
Blogger LONGSLEEVES said...

Nice work on the being the wingman and definitely nice work on buying the Crate.

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wingdings! I like how we can see your cublicular environment in your new photo. BTW, numetal's still alive in LA, too, as evidenced by that LA Weekly article I talked about a few posts back. Then again, maybe all those bands are from Kansas.

10:16 AM  
Blogger SJ said...

Are you all just pretending you know what 'concatenate' means? Oh sure, from the rest of the sentence, I can guess what it means, but man, what a word, Brent! Must be the piss beer.

3:48 PM  
Blogger Diana said...

my best wingman is a gay man, which is why I have no boyfriends...

11:35 AM  
Blogger BQ said...

You guys actually plan the whole wingman manoeuver? Wow.

12:53 AM  

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