Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Idle Hands are The Devil's Something or Another

I'm actually feeling a little on the ambitious side lately, so I'm temporarily putting off my lazy co-worker status and getting a few things done.

Friday night was "Get Krunk and Sing 80's Tunes" night for my 26th birthday (which was actually on Sunday). I was complemented on several instances for my spirited renditions of AC/DC's "You Shook Me All Night Long" and some Great White song that I don't recall. Apparently I have that "hair band voice". With my power V hairline, I don't think I could ever have that hair band hair, though. It would end up looking like a really ugly skullet or something, not unlike this guy.

My friend Aaron showed up, but is losing the battle to have the superior power V. His hairline seems to be retreating in less of a sharp arch and more of a rapidly retreating ) shape. It's okay Aaron, at least you won the beard growing contest (I disqualified myself since my face was itching too bad on day 9). I also was tricked into dancing with some weird girl by a friend. Can't remember the details too well, only remember my brother bailing me out by running distraction by doing the N'sync "no strings attached dance" so I could make a hasty exit.

Saturday was a burb' wide garage sale, and I went looking for some pecularities to add to the new place when I move in July. I picked up a couple of really cool vintage lamps and a 60's era burnt orange terrycloth lazyboy chair with matching ottoman. The chair is hideously comfy, and I think I'll be hanging my painting of Bob Marley above it. Later that night, after punishing myself at the gym, I went and watched the Mike Tyson fight at a friend's house. It was a particulary boring fight with the clumsiest Irish boxer I've never heard of. Tyson gave up in the 7th round, even though this clod couldn't knock my mama out. This only furthers my original claim that Mike Tyson was only in it to pay some bills (he made $5 for losing while Chumba Wumba got a mere $150,000 for winning). My claim was even further backed when Tyson TOLD everyone that he only did it for the money in the post interview. I still annoyed my friends by doing Drago impressions from Rocky IV every 5 minutes. The Irish dude was waaay huger than Tyson, but couldn't hit him without being less than 6 inches from him.

Sunday, I started working on a protest song for Larry's uncontest, but my Pop's scale ADD kicked in and I ended up just rocking out with my amp at 11 while playing "Blitzkrieg Bop" on my guitar.

Monday was a torrid day. I finally put off my long procrastinated task of reorganizing my e-mail folders at work. This took me most of the day. Eeeeewwwww...

Today is not so bad as yesterday. Besides getting a decent blog post in, I'm working on getting my student loans reconsolidated so I can save an easy $50 on my monthly payment. I'm also updating my "People Who Pretend To Like Me List" (if anyone's left off who wants on, just leave a comment or sumptin'), uploading DVD's onto the network, and occasionally fixing a customer's problem (one of them being Universal Music in Germany, which I think is Swayer's company). All in all I'm keeping fairly busy. I think I'll even stay on my routine and head over to the gym after work.

I'm out like Flint.

P.S. Visit the Krull Krusher blog and/or rate him on HOT OR NOT.
His current score is like a 4 and that's waaaay to high.


Blogger STP said...

Wow, Swayer is not only mentioned in your blog (and yes, I work for Universal), but I also made your list of people who pretend to like you!

Does this gig pay well or am I expected to pretend to like you free of charge?

Oh, and your "power V hairline"...sexy!

2:51 PM  
Blogger Brent said...

Pretending to like me is kind of like an unpaid internship, and just as rewarding.

3:07 PM  
Blogger STP said...

I expect nothing less (or more for that matter) from one who bears the title of "lazy co-worker".

Nonetheless, I still consider it an honor and will celebrate this special day with alcoholic beverages!

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sang "Welcome to the Jungle" saturday night when we went out for my bday--we're like twins and stuff!

5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Organizing email folders and folders within "my documents" and "my pictures" are absolutely my favorite I-Can't-Sleep pasttimes.

8:22 PM  
Blogger Pops said...

I do appreciate the mention, even though it was kind of backhandedly derogatory. I can so pay attention if I... man, my monitor is all smudgey.

I don't appreciate the fact that I will now have "Blitzkrieg Bop" stuck in my head until I look it up on some guitar tablature archive and figure out just which three chords I need to play over and over again to master it. Guitar players everywhere love the Ramones.

10:25 PM  
Blogger Brent said...

Pops-- The three chords you are lookiing for are E,D,and A. You can probably figure out the order pretty easily, but if not think A A A A A D E.

Steph-- With our Wondertwin powers maybe we can morph into a siberian tiger and maul the Olsen twins.

IPM-- It was an OCD moment for me

MPH-- When I first got into anime and was briefly involved in the fansubbing community, the first thing I heard is "He's WHITE?!?!?" Everyone just assumed I was asian. Then I was just referred to as the Egg (white on the outside; yellow on the inside).

2:29 PM  
Blogger -G.D. said...

Hey Brent,

I keep looking and looking...where did you post this "decent blog post" you mentioned?

9:24 AM  
Blogger Brent said...


It wouldn't suit me to have better posts than you. Good luck on your search for a superior potato-head.

9:53 AM  

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